Blacklanderz® Convos! Outlander S4 Epi5

Blacklanderz Convos!

Outlander S4 Epi5 – Savages

Written by Denise Di Novi | Directed by Bronwyn Garrity

T: Very clever title card! It’s how I imagine a shop in that time would wrap a present.

A: I think this title card is fantastic. The symbolism of this doll, as well as the fabric, takes a turn to say the least.

Ty: It is deceptively innocent. The wrapping up of a doll behind the words “Savages” already makes you question the meaning behind the title. What does it mean to be savage?

This conversation is between Blacklanderz Tami, Alaina and Tyrese. Arranged and edited by Vida. [For those who don’t know, I also interrupt at times – just because.]


Tami: This episode was a mixture of emotions. The way they tackled a challenging, yet real, issue that we’re still plagued with was spot on. The word savages always bugged me, but I understand why they used it as the title.

I laughed and cried at the same time. New faces were introduced, and we got to see an old familiar one. I think this episode was important because it sets the tone for the immediate and distant future. It is very rare that I say this, but I love that they altered a certain character’s storyline.


Alaina: This is by far my favorite episode of the season. There were so many layers that surprised me at every turn. Seeing Jamie, Claire and Ian settled was so refreshing because it is not something that we’ve seen in a long time.

Murtagh’s resurgence ticked all the boxes and possibly made me tear up [I’ll never tell!]. Experiencing such a tender moment between Jamie and his godfather might have been the most exciting part of the episode, if it were not for the ending and Brianna, who stole the show!


Tyrese (Ty): I enjoyed this episode very much. One of the things I really admire about the show is how they edit the book down to its essential nature and give viewers exactly what they need emotionally and in terms of plot. This episode does many things. One, it puts us right into the middle of tension. The last episode we saw how the Frasers approached living among Native Americans. Now we see that mindset of cohabiting in peace manifested.

Two, not everyone attempting to settle in the colonies are of the same mindset. This episode kicks us out of the “Thanksgiving” dream and shows us exactly how brutal tensions were between settlers and Native Americans. On the one hand, we have what we wished life had been like; and on the other hand, we have how it really was. Last, this episode starts the stirrings of dissent among the colonists. It gives us a glimpse into how the Revolution started in places other than Boston and Philadelphia, and how settlers in the colonies felt oppressed by British rule.

Ty: I love this shot of the creek. So beautiful and serene.

A: Claire and Adawehi’s have a wonderful connection here. I also appreciate the use of the Cherokee language. We know that they don’t speak each other’s languages, but they are trying to communicate and learn from each other.

Ahh, the ever-present rabbit. I love the rabbit as a theme through the series. Brianna’s spirit must be close!!

A: Claire’s trying to absorb all the knowledge of the land and its many uses from Adawehi. Love that!

T: At this point, I was already enjoying the episode. Claire learning Cherokee gives me another reason to love her.

Ty: Being peaceful, coexisting on the land and learning from one another is so idyllic and beautiful. It’s the dream, or rather, the image people like to conjure up when they think of settlers and Native Americans living together in this country during the 18th century.

Ty: It reminds me of what we were taught in elementary school about Thanksgiving. But we know that dream was more make believe than reality.

A: Look at this costume! The colors are so vibrant and all the small details are amazing. I love the metal embellishments on her shoulder. And the jewelry!! The earrings, necklaces, wrist cuffs, the rings.

[V: Terry and crew did an outstanding job with the Native Americans’ costumes. By far, they are the best in the series.]

A: Is it me or does Adawehi sense Claire’s inner conflict of the loss of Bree?

A: Maybe I read too much into her look, as Claire mentions that she has a daughter and that she lives far away.

We loved the character of Adawehi, and since she sadly dies later in the episode, we wanted a scene to show her and Claire’s growing friendship. In an earlier draft, we had them working on a patient together and discussing their disparate methods of treatment. However, we decided we liked seeing them out in nature and learning each other’s language.

Astute viewers will notice that we worked “rabbit” into their conversation, as we like to slip the rabbit symbol into scenes every now and then. The dialogue at the end where Adawehi asks about Claire’s children is meant to be a foreshadowing. Adawehi has intuited something interesting… When Adawehi says “She’s here,” Claire touches her own heart, thinking Adawehi means that her daughter is always in her heart. However, the irony is that Claire’s daughter Brianna is, unbeknownst to Claire, actually here in the 18th century at this point in the story.

~ Toni Graphia, Outlander Community

A: It’s almost eerie when Adawehi mentions that Brianna is here. Claire takes it a different way and says that she’s with her figuratively, in her heart. Hmm…

T:  I think that moment she said, Bree is here, meant more than Claire understood.

[V: It did. She really could have used an interpreter in that moment.]

Obviously [production designer] Jon Gary Steele every season makes the show so incredible to look at and work on. He’s done it again. The cabin is something that Jamie has built, and throughout the whole season, you see the settlement grow: it goes from being a basic lean-to to being a full-fledged settlement with various houses, all the allotments, and the garden that Claire grows. Early settlers really are building everything for the first time, and so it feels fresh and new. That’s what is surprising about this season: we got to see America in its infancy really growing from the ground up.

~ Sam Heughan

A: FRASER’S RIDGE!!! Our first look at the cabin and it is stunning!! Double chimney’s, Jamie? How did you and Ian pull this off? I’m impressed, if not envious. Jon Gary Steele is just beyond.

Ty: That house went up fast! LOL

A: Is that the white sow?! And of course, she has Jamie’s hat!

Ty: Oh, that sow! I’m so glad she made the cut from book to the show.

T: Cute, yet cunning little thing! Another character! I feel like she’s going to be quite a handful!

A: I love how easy and simple their conversation is in this scene. It’s all so domestic. That feeling of being home, asking your significant other if they’ve seen your misplaced items. Claire’s rush to pack her things and prepare for the upcoming delivery.

It’s a continuation of the work I was trying to do last season, of finding that maturity within her and that confidence with age. Claire has had the opportunity to invest in her role as a mother. She’s had the opportunity to invest in her role as a professional and as a doctor. And here, finally, in a happy, fulfilled way, she has the chance to invest in her role as a wife and as a homemaker. Last season I felt, especially for the first half of the season, that I was playing a woman who was very compromised — she’s had to give up on a part of herself. Whereas this season, I feel she’s a very content and satisfied whole person.

~ Catriona Balfe

Ty: Finally, it’s nice to see them living their life together without the drama of time travel and war separating them.

A: I didn’t notice at first, but Jamie sneakily grabs his mother’s silver candlestick. Guess he didn’t want Claire to notice his plans Hmm.. interesting.

T: I know! Jamie is only sneaking around because he wants to surprise Claire. I think we’ll find out soon what he’s up to. I think I can guess, but I’d much rather this handsome man tell me.

T: After almost 20 years of separation, I’m glad to see them living like this. Only this time, they’re living in a more confined setting compared to the lavish life in Paris.

We always have a really fun few days in the beginning of going in and rummaging around and seeing exactly what’s there. But you know, when we were outside, we had this fantastic animal handler who owned the goats and the pig and all of that. I come from the countryside. We had a small farm growing up, and it was just really nice to be around that. It brought me back to being a very young child.

~ Caitriona Balfe

A: The look in Jamie’s eyes….*Sigh*

A: Seriously, let’s take a moment to appreciate the set design here. Not sure how Jamie, Claire and Ian pulled it off… But I’m obsessed!

[V: Me too. It is exquisite. I am going to have to take some time and watch certain scenes again, just to pause it and look at all the items that are in the cabin.]

A: Jamie’s beard is everything in this scene. Claire’s fur vest is fire!

T: Jamie is like fine whiskey, only he’s better to look at.

Has Brianna a birthmark on her neck?

A: Speaking of eerie, Jamie’s dream of Brianna’s birthmark made me holler when I heard him say it!!!! I’m so excited to see where this goes! I need answers now!

T: I didn’t expect Jamie to bring it up so casually. I think they’re both missing Brianna. Jamie dreaming of something so accurate brings up the question: does he have a special gift? Maybe time traveling in his dreams?

She has. But, I don’t think I ever told you about it.

Ty: One of the things I love about their relationship is that they are totally open with one another about what feels supernatural and unbelievable.

I saw it in a dream I had last night. A wee brown mark,
the shape of a diamond, behind her ear.

I hate to bring up a sore spot, but that was why Claire and Frank were never going to work when she returned to the 20th century. His disbelief. Jamie always believed her and now he feels the otherworldliness of it all too.

I haven’t thought about that for ages. It’s hidden – –

A: Agreed! Their bond was always so strong.

Under her hair.

T: That is true. That unspeakable bond where you believe someone, even if what they’re saying is outlandish. Jamie and Claire are couple goals. I love that they are not excessively affectionate, yet just enough.


A: I love these short, yet tender moments. I mean just look at them….

[V: I am right there with you, Alaina. That is one of things I have enjoyed this season – more show, less tell.]

I kissed her there.

Yeah, I mean, [he and Claire] have finally found each other and they’re together, and for three seasons that’s what they’ve been fighting to do. And they’ve grown up, they’ve experienced a lot together and also apart, and now he’s more mature, he’s less impulsive, and he does think a bit more before he acts. Of course, he is Jamie Fraser, so there are a couple times where he doesn’t and that does get him in trouble, but he’s actually happy. For the first time he’s able to relax and to lay down some roots, and I think we’ve seen them for the first few episodes definitely relishing and falling in love with the land. Then, of course, the second half of the season it’s all shaken up again.

~ Sam Heughan

A: Yea Claire, I’d be a bit freaked out too. We need to get to the bottom of this…

[V: It always freaked me out when he had these kinds of dreams. Just let’s you know they really are soulmates.]

A: Roger retracing Brianna’s steps is so interesting to me. I know that you want to be sure, but you already know exactly where she’s gone.

[V: I guess he wants to make sure.]

A: Would you just look at him.. he’s so cute! I should also mention that I’m loving Roger’s beanie and beard in this scene!

[V: He looks so pitiful, and somewhat lost. I don’t think any other actor could have effectively played this role like Richard is.]

A: Such a beautiful shot. I’m so reminiscent of the first episode of the series here.

[V: I have loved how they use scenery shots to transition between scenes. They are really making me think I need to plan a trip.]

A: Back in Inverness, and we made it back to Mrs. Baird’s!!!!!

T: It’s good to see a familiar face! She hasn’t changed one bit! Also, can I ask why Roger is showing a drawing instead of a picture? I need him and Brianna to evaluate that. At least get a picture of her for your wallet.

[V: Remember, at the festival, Bree said that was the reason she wanted to drawing. They have no pictures together.]

And it shows a nice range between the two sets of relationships. They’re so different, so there’s more in it for everyone. Jamie and Claire have this epic love story, whereas Roger and Brianna are a bit more real, a bit more relatable.

~ Sophie Skelton

A: Aww poor Roger! I’m feeling for him in this moment. He’s so desperate for information and all signs are confirming his biggest nightmare. I should also mention that I’m loving Roger’s beanie and beard in this scene!

T: Likewise. I feel for Roger. He’s lost so much already, and now he feels like he’s losing Brianna.

Ty: Why did they leave the poof on top of Roger’s beanie? I can’t take a person seriously when they have one of those little balls on top of their heads.

Ty: He also looks very dad-like in this scene.

T: Sorry Tyrese, I disagree; but, I just might be biased. Give me Roger any way, any day.

We were excited to use Baird’s Bed and Breakfast in this scene set in the 1970’s, as it is the same hotel where Claire and Frank stayed back in the 1940’s. As we see, it is still owned by the Baird family and is a fun callback to the pilot.

~ Toni Graphia, Outlander Community

A: She was trying so hard not to tell Roger about Bree’s letter. But she’s one for the mess and figured she’d give him the letter anyway! She clearly didn’t think he should be chasing after an American girl; a Scottish lass wouldn’t make such a fuss!

Ty: I don’t know why she wouldn’t tell him. It sounds like she thought he was going through too much trouble for Bree in the first place. Also, who does that? Who holds on to a letter for someone they don’t know for a whole year? Like, I could see if Bree had her roommate mail it to Roger. That tidbit felt off to me.

A: Woolam’s Creek isn’t at all what I pictured in my mind, but that makes it even more of a pleasant surprise.

T: Same here. Not how I pictured it. I pictured it being more like a western saloon type of setting.

Jon Gary Steele did an amazing job building Wilmington, one of the largest cities in North Carolina at the time, and then transforming part of it into Woolam’s Creek, a smaller and more intimate town near Fraser’s Ridge. Though Tryon has tasked Jamie with recruiting settlers, we never explicitly see this happening in the book. We thought it would be interesting to show Jamie actually recruiting settlers.

~ Toni Graphia, Outlander Community

A: Jamie looks like a rugged, yet distinguished gentleman with his tricorn, glasses and scarf. Ahhh, the costume design… I live!

T: Uncle-nephew bonding time is always welcomed. I love that they are shedding some light on Jamie and Young Ian’s relationship.

A:And a bonnie lass, or two.” I love Ian and his relationship with Jamie. He says things he probably wouldn’t say to his parents, but he knows his uncle Jamie is cool like that.

Ty: I love Jamie with his glasses. Nerdy ruggedness. I also love Young Ian. He’s such a teenager with his lookingforlassies self.

A: Jamie’s visit to the silversmith’s home is way funnier to me than it should be. This young lady likes what she sees! The look Jamie gives her at the end there made me chuckle.

Ty: I get the impression her husband is old and definitely not as hot as Jamie. That close-up makes me believe, though, that we may see her again.

T: Back off lady! Jamie is taken, and his wife isn’t afraid to put you in your place. I love that Jamie does not even entertain the thought of another woman. That glance he gives her is hilarious. One of the infinite reasons I love Jamie.

A: Such a beautiful song! I have always loved the use of different languages in the show. In this case, it makes me understand the diversity of settlers in North Carolina.

Schlaf, Kindlein, schlaf . . .
Der Vater hüt die Schaf . . .

Sleep, baby, sleep. Thy
father guards the sheep . . .

Everyone keeps asking Claire about her child/possible grandchild and it’s killing me! But it’s super sweet for Frau Mueller to say that she can share her grandbaby. I love the comfort that Claire gives her patients and the love that they give her in return.

Through our research, we found an authentic German lullaby for the family to sing, which we put in the script.

~ Toni Graphia, Outlander Community

T: Although I felt that her and Brianna’s relationship was stronger in the book, I feel Claire’s struggle with the impact of her decision to go back to Jamie more in the series. These constant reminders and people reminding her must be torture.

Ty: What I find poignant about this scene is that this baby is probably the first born in the Mueller’s new country and home.

Although, I feel some kind of way about the way this country was settled, I find it very interesting to consider the impact the early settlers had on our country, as well as how difficult it had to have been to be removed from everything and everyone you know.

A: Jamie is so excited and just KNOWS he’s about to get new tenants. Duh!

There was a statistic, and I think it was around 40 percent of settlers at that time were Scottish, and that’s very much the line he goes down. Jamie wants to surround himself with fellow Scots that will be loyal to him and understand his way of working. They go to the towns and try to encourage settlers to live on his land. Very much in a similar way to what they do in Scotland with the clan system—they all pay a rent but he’ll look after them —and it’s something that he’s always wanted. He’s wanted to be the laird and to be almost the clan leader, and this is it really—this is him beginning to build his legacy and heritage.

~ Sam Heughan

T: He was born to be a laird.

Ty: He went in there too confident. Gov. Tryon spoke to him about the regulators and the men protesting the taxes. Claire told him that there is going to be a war soon. I think it would’ve been smart for him to ask around and check out the scene first.

But, I get why he was confident. One hundred acres and no rent is a hell of an offer. Too good to be true, in fact, which is why I think the men refuse him.

It sounds and feels shady, especially when coming from a stranger, regardless of that fact that he is a countryman.

Our art department made up the recruitment broadsheet, which advertises Fraser’s Ridge as a potential settlement place. One of the interesting things about showing Jamie trying to recruit settlers was thinking about how his offer will be received by local Scots, and him realizing that this “good deal” might not be as attractive to these farmers, many of whom have been exploited by the government. It’s also a great introduction to the Regulators and their cause. Later in the scene, Jamie uses his service at Culloden to bond with Bryan Cranna, trying to find out the true reason why the men won’t accept his offer. He learns that these men will turn down free land because they don’t trust the corruption that’s been taking place.

~ Toni Graphia, Outlander Community

A:Then, ye were to my left Bryan.” I felt that line! I appreciate that Jamie can be savvy when he wants to be and his ability to connect with people.

A few minutes of conversation and he learns what he needs to know and gets an invite to this super hush hush meeting.

T: That moment when Jamie was talking about the rising, he transported me back with him. That scene was beautifully delivered.

Ty: I would buy Claire’s jacket in this scene. It is so cute and flattering. Actually, it looks very modern too, but still fits with the rest of her period wardrobe.

A: These hats are killing me. Especially Herr Mueller’s! tehe

[V: But, they are period and culturally appropriate.]

A: Ahh.. Here’s the doll, and now it all makes sense. He picked it up in Cross Creek. Hmm…

We thought it would be poignant for Petronella to name her baby after Claire, which bonds Claire to the Mueller family and invests her in the baby’s future. It makes it all the more heartbreaking when the mother and baby are lost to measles later. The wooden doll that Gerhard brings is a set-up for the scene later when he brings the wrapping to Claire after Adawehi has been killed, and Claire is horrified to find Adawehi’s scalp inside rather than the doll.

~ Toni Graphia, Outlander Community

[V: I almost felt like I was in a Stephen King movie with this creepy looking doll. The baby doesn’t seem too keen on it either.]

A: It’s also interesting to see such a sweet disposition toward Herr Mueller’s family and then an immediate switch to almost hysterics when he sees the Cherokee. Ugh…

A:They steal OUR water for their horses.” Sure… because that makes complete sense. This is really infuriating on two levels for me. One, let’s be clear, this isn’t your land. Give respect where it’s due, you settled on stolen land. Two, the claim made on resources that are for ALL is ridiculous. What difference does it make if they watered their horses a half mile away or right in front of your home? He acts as if it’s a commodity that he created himself.

This scene was challenging to write, as we had to find a transgression the Indians could make which would appear threatening to the Muellers. We needed to understand why the family would mistake the motive enough to take up arms, and we wanted to force Claire into a position to try and broker peace in this volatile moment.

~ Toni Graphia, Outlander Community

Ty: Apparently, there were a lot of fights about water rights and access to water back in the day. When I was in law school, I remember studying a ton of riparian rights cases in my property law class that derived from the 18th and 19th centuries. This scene reminded me of those cases.

Sitting in class, I wondered why anyone would be mad about someone else using a stream or creek that cuts through their property. In some instances, it was about dwindling resources. Now, I see that these conflicts were also born from something other than the desire to protect land rights.

Here, Herr Mueller is completely irrational and fearful and uses the water as an excuse to threaten people away from his family that he believes will do them harm. And, it is all because he doesn’t understand them. I wonder how many of those old cases were more like this scene rather than legitimate concerns for maintaining natural resources.

T: Interesting! I never knew that. I thought that there’s enough water for everyone but then again, people find any excuse to start fighting.

A: Claire stepping in front of those guns and arrows… Ooh baby, what is you doing? I respect it and love what you’re trying to do sis, but yikes. Way to diffuse a situation though. That took courage. The Cherokees were a lot more patient than Herr Mueller deserved.

Ty: Claire is forever putting her life at risk without forethought.

T: I personally didn’t enjoy this part. Too much tension and intensity for no real reason. It’s water! There will still be some left over.

For a religious family, he’s not very loving to his neighbor. Also, She shouldn’t go risking her life so carelessly. She’s been around Jamie too long.

Tawodi stands down because he recognizes Claire as the wife of Bear-Killer, which was set-up in the previous episode. The line “Water belongs to no one” was meant to highlight the cultural misunderstandings that happen with a diverse population having different beliefs. The sprinkling of tobacco was something we researched because we needed something the Indians could do that Gerhard would misinterpret as a curse.

~ Toni Graphia, Outlander Community

A: Love this shot of Claire riding in at dusk.

She is through with the mess and completely done.

Ty: I wonder if she longs for the comforts of the 20th century in these moments. I imagine her bed at home in Boston was a lot more comfortable.

T: Because I know the book was different, I was not sure what I was going to get out of this scene. The incident with the skull was supposed to happen, but they already used that. I love how quickly she is adjusting to life as a healer in this time.

A: Claire is taking care of business! She doesn’t have time to wait around for Jamie and Ian!

I love the affection that she already has for Clarence and the clear disdain she has for the sow.

T: When Claire made the comment about the sow being a Christmas meal, I couldn’t help but passionately object. The sow will be more useful than you know.

You have no idea you’re just a
Christmas pork chop, do you?

[V: Hmmm . . . Now, where oh where is that other candle holder?]

Voiceover was written for this sequence, but we later realized that it played better silently. The visual image of Claire loading her musket, drinking whisky, and guarding her home reminded us of something out of a classic Western. We love that she gets to be a badass here!

~ Toni Graphia, Outlander Community

A: She’s tired now and deserves a drink! She could drink me under the table.

Ty: This is when I like Claire the most. When she is content and busy and hardworking. Not nosy and trying to get into things no one asked her opinion about.

A: Jamie understands the doubt and concern the men have and is still thinking of a way to offer protection.

This is why we love him. Whether he’d be able to make good on that protection is another story.

T: I think Jamie is being reminded of the Redcoats. This time he can protect his people.

We loved the idea of having Young Ian run into Murtagh first, since the two wouldn’t know each other—stretching the suspense a little bit longer. We wanted to tease the audience with the possibility that Jamie would leave town without actually seeing his godfather, so we tasked Young Ian with bringing the bit to the smithy for repair, but we still needed a way to leave a hanging thread so that Jamie could eventually cross paths with Murtagh. In the end, we designed this so that a grumpy and tired Murtagh overcharges Young Ian, leading Jamie to come back to complain—and thus encounter Murtagh.

~ Toni Graphia, Outlander Community

A:Just a broken bit, can ye mend it?” When I heard that voice in response, I screamed!!!!

MURTAGH is back and I feel the tears welling up!

Ty: I knew it was him from the sound of his voice!

T: I might have started tearing up at this point.

A: Ian, you must be crazy!!! Twenty-one shillings for a broken bit? Did Jamie teach you anything! And Murtagh, you should be ashamed.

Ty: I don’t blame him. It’s called “overtime” pay.

Murtagh’s development in the series is different than the books basically from the beginning. We made him much more of a key player in the story, much closer to Jamie, and then he got in on [Claire’s] secret in Paris. He became part of the family in a different way than in the books. And I just wasn’t ready to let him go in Culloden.

~ Ron D. Moore

A: Oh… so we’re offering pieces of pie now?!

If ye’d care to wait inside . . . I’ll
serve ye a hearty piece of pie.

Jamie, that’s the right answer. Let her know your wife is a VERY good cook.

A kind offer but my wife’s
expecting me home soon.

Ty: Girl. #RevolutionaryThot #Thottinginthe18thcentury #ColonialThotism #YesClaireCanCook

I’d wager she’s a good cook.

T: His wife is indeed a good cook and would surgically remove his limbs if he accepted your invitation.


[V: We ALL know she wasn’t talking about pie. Damn, thirsty much? But, I loved Jamie’s response to her regarding Claire. In other words, I am NOT interested in you, Missy!]

A: Jamie’s just like a dad! I love it!

Mad that Ian spent that kind of money, and definitely going to get it back.

T: It had to be. This isn’t Game of Thrones. No offense to the fans. I would have been upset if Jamie didn’t go back to confront the person charging his nephew an extortionate sum.

The scene where we meet him, it’s just filled with so much. There’s always been a great bond between Jamie and Murtagh. It’s kind of been unsaid, but he really is his godfather, his guide. For Jamie, it’s just everything to have him back in his life.

~ Sam Heughan

A: There’s that Fraser temper! And Murtagh knows it well!

The whole season we worked a bit more sporadically with each other. This season has more story strands and points of view and separate pieces. . . . it’s great working with Sam, that shared chemistry we’ve built up over five years now, that’s just there. Our characters have a bit of a rough go. There’s a whole lot of tension that builds up between them over the course of the season. But of course Jamie and Murtagh are the other great love story of the show.

~ Duncan Lacroix

A: The transformation in Jamie’s face and the way he says Murtagh’s name has me so emotional. The music is so perfect for this moment. It really makes the scene.

Well obviously it’s a gamble by the writers and the show runners. They obviously felt that the character was important enough to that family unit to survive. I’m a bit worried to see some of the reactions—it’s going to be interesting. But by the same token it’s not my job to worry about the differences between the book and the show. My job is to act what’s in the script.

~ Duncan Lacroix

Ty: I think they both needed this. A familiar face in the new world. I am so happy they found one another. They’re both in shock but overwhelmed with emotions.

Then we cut right to Jamie banging through the door to confront the Blacksmith. We thought it was a fun way to reconnect Jamie with Murtagh—yelling at the smithy without knowing his identity.

~ Toni Graphia, Outlander Community

We thought it was the most fun to have Murtagh turn and realize it was Jamie and vice versa, with Young Ian looking on, not registering just yet that he’s witnessed an incredible reunion.

~ Toni Graphia, Outlander Community

Uncle, ye ken the old coot?

A: Murtagh had to get Ian together! Who you calling an old coot! HA!

Ty: I cannot wait to see how Murtagh and Ian get along. They seem like perfect foils for one another.

A: Uh oh . . . and of course, we’re back into the mess.

I feel for Claire and for the Muellers that passed. The deaths of the mother and child are so sad.

Ty: It is very sad about the deaths in the family.

Frau Mueller worries he blames you for their death and is seeking revenge.

A: Everything is a curse to these people. And Claire’s always in the middle of it. I just don’t understand how she could be to blame.

Ty: In his grief, he cannot think straight. Why would they curse the water, if they also wanted to use it? That makes no sense.

Blames me? What does that mean?

Herr Mueller believes you let the Indians curse the water.

I told him it was a blessing.

But, the man was looking for someone to blame and seeking comfort in the wrong way, the wrong places.

A: Claire’s pretty badass. She said I’ll be fine with the dog and my rifle. I don’t think I would have let the pastor go. Nah, you’re staying with me!

A: Murtagh is a pro at severing necks. Just ask the Duke!

Ty: HA! Yes!

Ty: He is an example of how indentured servitude is NOT slavery. He was sold to a smithy and is now a free man, able to own his own shop and make his own income.

If he wants, he can own land. Murtagh came into the country a traitor, a man who had held arms against his King and country. His servitude was punishment for his crimes.

African slaves did nothing, were trapped, kidnapped and brought to a country that valued known criminals over them just because they were white skinned. Innocent people, yet their punishment was lifelong.

This is where we had to relay some of Murtagh’s backstory—how he finished his indentured servitude and learned the art of smithery.

~ Toni Graphia, Outlander Community

Back when we planted Ellen’s candlestick, the intention was that it would make Claire’s ring, but not that Murtagh would be the one crafting it. So that ended up being a bit of serendipity that Murtagh gets to hold the candlestick which belonged to the woman he loved.

~ Toni Graphia, Outlander Community

A: When Murtagh asks Jamie about remarrying, I loved that Jamie gave Ian the look of, “This is grown folks business!” Murtagh giving Ian the money back warms my heart. He’ll do anything for his family always has.

A: Murtagh’s excitement to the news that Claire came back to Jamie is all of us! He’s so happy for him because he knows how much he loves her and how her leaving destroyed Jamie.

[V: It was priceless.]

A: They have so much to tell each other and it’s all coming out now. It’s so satisfying it gives me goosebumps!

T: I think this is the closure we, as fans, all craved. For Jamie to reunite with his godfather and tell him that everything is alright. That the decision he made 20 years ago was not all in vain. This was so comforting to watch.

A: Murtagh’s face when Jamie tells him that Brianna’s at university… I want to be mad, but it’s Murtagh and he clearly has no clue. Give him five minutes back with Claire, or even five minutes with Brianna, and he’ll quickly be brought up to speed!

T: I like that Murtagh knows, so Jamie can tell him about his daughter. That’s only thing I didn’t like about the book; Jamie and Claire kept Brianna a secret. I understand their reasoning, but it still made me sad.

Ty: I love this. Jamie, the feminist.

A: It looks like Murtagh’s going to bring Jamie up to speed about the sentiments held toward Tryon and his men. Somebody needs to because Jamie is more than a bit confused. And kind of slow on the uptake if you ask me.

One of the largest tasks that loomed over the writers this season was to find an interesting role for Murtagh, since by now in the books, he is already dead. We knew that anything we wrote for him now must be new, fresh, and meaty enough to warrant the talents of Duncan Lacroix, and to do justice to the character that the audience loves. Luckily, we were able to find something worthy of Murtagh, as we reveal that he is one of the leaders of the Regulators. It’s a perfect fit for a character with a strong sense of justice and who needed a purpose for his life.

~ Toni Graphia, Outlander Community

A: Wow, she has mastered knitting already! Her stitches are looking pretty good; I am proud of her.

T: Look at her click-it! I wished we could have seen Jamie teach her. Claire can definitely take care of an entire house and farm. Go lady!

A: Claire is like, “ON SIGHT!… Oh, it’s just the wind.” HA!

Ty: Again, my favorite Claire: eating beef jerky, touting her rifle, ready to shoot a crazy son of a bitch!

A: Interesting take here making Murtagh the revolutionary. I wouldn’t have taken him to be one for politics.

A: Granted, he worked with Jamie and Claire to stop the Jacobite Rebellion. I guess all that he’s been through has called for more than just sitting back and watching things unfold.

Ty: I agree. But what else was he going to do? There had to be a way into the Revolution for Jamie. Murtagh gives Jamie legitimacy among the other men as well. If Murtagh trusts Jamie, then the other men will more than likely believe that they also can trust him.

But I do agree that his character had never been one for politics. He got into the Jacobite rebellion because of Jamie and circumstances. Maybe if Murtagh had lost land as well, but I don’t see where they allude to that.

T: I appreciate both your points, but I’m just getting anxiety. These are dangerous times and Jamie just witnessed a hanging. I worry for Murtagh’s fate.

Tonight we drink to the tax collectors.

[V: Jamie and his expressions. This one is pretty clear that he is PISSED and/or conflicted!]

I kind of knew. I had a rough sketchy knowledge of the build up of the War of Independence. But I learned a lot more about the Scottish indentured servants and the Scottish and German settlers and regulators in the colonies. How that kind of civil unrest started bubbling up, how it leads to the War of Independence.

~ Duncan Lacroix

[V: He is giving me that Huey P. Newton vibe here.]

Murtagh’s over there in America and everything that was important to him that was taken away. He’s been an indentured servant for 12 years, had no freedom. Jamie was taken away from him, Scotland was taken from him. It wouldn’t take much tinder to get that fire started.

~ Duncan Lacroix

Jamie’s grown up, and he’s certainly his own man now. To have this cantankerous old man in his life is also going to cause some trouble. They’re on either sides of the Regulators. It really is setting up other seasons now, with the war that’s coming.

~ Sam Heughan

A: Breaks my heart that Murtagh won’t settle with them on the Ridge and that he and Jamie are on opposite sides. I can’t say that it will stay that way, but it’s a bummer for now.

Ty: Although he said he wouldn’t go, I don’t think Murtagh could ever knowingly walk away from Jamie’s side. They’re family. More than that. I think of Murtagh as Jamie’s stand-in dad. 

T: I think that’s the heartbreaking part of it all. Jamie finally reunites with the closest person he has ever had to a father (after his father, of course), only to find out that he’s a rebellion.

This time by choice. I know Jamie just wants Murtagh by his side but right now, it doesn’t seem possible. Maybe in the future?

The beauty of Murtagh as a Regulator sets up a new arc where Murtagh and Jamie find themselves on opposite sides of the law.

~ Toni Graphia, Outlander Community

It introduces an interesting conflict between two men who were always on the same side and breathes new life to a relationship that is crucial to our show.

~ Toni Graphia, Outlander Community

[V: Lord, she cannot ever get any peaceful sleep without constant interruptions or thinking there is an intruder. Thank God Rollo is standing between whatever is in front of that door and her.]

A: I want to feel badly for Herr Mueller and his loss; but, I’m just sickened.

[V: Unfortunately, it is the duality of the situation. You feel empathy for his loss. But then, you have this hatred toward him for what he did, on top of the incredulity of him thinking he solved the problem.]

A: He has the nerve to call the Cherokee savages.

[V: Sadly, in his mind, they are. As he believes, only Christians should survive and live on, not those who aren’t.]

A: The way he calmly passes the cloth over to Claire, like it’s nothing. Here’s a gift for you, to protect you. I’m so angry!

[V: And poor Claire, thinking it is the doll – a token of his appreciation for delivering his grandchild.]

A: Poor Adawehi, and her family. She had nothing to do with any of this. “The savages came to show that my land is theirs.” His entitlement and inhumanity… I’m sick.

This was a complicated scene to write, as the grief and heartbreak of Gerhard is eventually surpassed by the horror and anger Claire feels when she realizes that he murdered her friend Adawehi.

~ Toni Graphia, Outlander Community

[V: That was a tough scene to watch.]

Rest in Peace, sweet spirit.

Ty: Claire has the patience of a saint in this scene.

I don’t know how she could stand there and listen to his nonsensical ramblings about curses and damning the Natives to the pox.

Claire is dumbfounded and furious, and yet, powerless in this moment to do anything about it. This will not be the first time that she will witness the tragedy of living in this melting pot that will become America.

~ Toni Graphia, Outlander Community

A: I don’t remember what Claire did with the scalps in the book.

But this small ritual was, at least, something that showed that she cared. For whatever good that would do…

T: I believe in the book, Claire came across the scalps because nailed them to the door. I’m not sure, but it was just as shocking and unexpected.

Ty: I do appreciate that the show changed the way this was portrayed in the book. It is much more personal now with him handing over the scalps.

And more heartbreak now, as we knew that the Cherokee would not let the death of their healer go unanswered. We needed a scene to show them avenging her.

~ Toni Graphia, Outlander Community

Tragedy upon tragedy happens as they burn the Mueller cabin. The initial shots of the arrow in a cabin that looks similar to the Fraser cabin was intentional, so we wonder at first if Claire is in danger.

~ Toni Graphia, Outlander Community

But we soon come to realize that it is the Muellers being attacked.

~ Toni Graphia, Outlander Community

We decided early on that we wanted the image of Mrs. Mueller on fire herself as she walks out of the cabin.

~ Toni Graphia, Outlander Community

This drives home the sadness of just how many lives this misunderstanding cost.

~ Toni Graphia, Outlander Community

A: This is unfortunate that the wife had to die, but it’s the reality of the situation.

What did Herr Mueller think was going to happen? He said in the last scene that it was all over… I guess he didn’t count on the inevitability of retaliation.

Ty: Right? So nonsensical.

Going back to the title shot, Herr Mueller’s entitlement and insanity is what makes him the savage.

The definition of savage: fierce, violent, of an animal nature.

He showed himself to be all these things, failing to use human decency and understanding. He reverted to a primal state that ultimately led to his own death.

T: I agree. In the end, he was the savage. I know he’s grief-stricken, but that does not give him the right to take a person’s life.

You didn’t think that someone would revenge that precious woman’s death?

[V: This was masterfully shot; so, I will leave these here. Silence, with no dialog, speaks volumes.]

[V: God, I was so glad to see that creepy little doll burn up.]

Well, I did ask why the hell Jamie didn’t build a separate bedroom, but that fell on deaf ears. We were like, “What? You built this huge cabin and there’s no bedroom? What?” Obviously for Claire, her little corner where she has all of her bottles and her medicine chest is just so amazing. I’m blown away by the art department and how all of those little details are so specific to this character.

~ Caitriona Balfe

Why would you need a separate bedroom? Jamie’s practical, very practical. And it means it’s closer to get to the table and the food and the kitchen. Maybe next time he can do an extension.

~ Sam Heughan

Initially, we planned to have Murtagh come home with Jamie . . . [to] surprise her with Murtagh. However, we realized we couldn’t play this romantic moment after the tragedy that just happened with the Muellers.

~ Toni Graphia, Outlander Community

Claire is devastated by the death of Adawehi and the German family that she had taken care of. Plus, we wanted to stress that Murtagh’s work with the Regulators was important to him—so much so, that he wouldn’t drop everything to come with Jamie, instead promising to come at a different date, and that’s what he does.

~ Toni Graphia, Outlander Community

Ty: She has been through a lot between the time Jamie left and when he returned. It was too much to even talk about.

A: Poor thing, I can’t imagine the relief she felt when she heard Jamie’s voice.


T: I’m surprised Claire didn’t lose her mind. She’s a tough woman! She’s right when she said that bad things tend to happen when she and Jamie are separated.

Ty: True! She is a survivor and fiercely independent.

[V: Yes, she is; but, a person can only take so much. You can see, in an instant, he knows something is wrong.]

T:Just hold me!” I swear, every single time they reunite, I get a little emotional.

[V: I can’t even imagine. Now, she can finally let her guard down and allow the flood of emotions to come pouring out.]

Ty: I love how he shows up whistling their song.

I think the other reason why people like Murtagh so much is that he has a special bond with Claire, as well. And you’ll see that going forward.

~ Matthew B. Roberts

Ty: It made me think that he was coming from another time. The song, obviously from the future.

It was an excellent segue into the scene with Bree going through the stones. Murtagh using their past together, the 20th century song, to make a bridge between the 18th century and the 20th century.

A: The Search wasn’t my favorite episode of the series, but this song and their reunion makes me so nostalgic!

Murtagh . .?! Is it really you?

He had to come and see his Claire!!

Well, it’s no the boogie woogie bugle boy!


T: Oh my goodness! That’s true Alaina! I completely forgot about the song. I was wondering why he was whistling that tune and it sounded familiar.

I love that in the show, they established their own relationship. Talk about emotional.

Ty: I worry that Bree has not thought this through enough. She inherited her parent’s worst traits: Claire’s impulsiveness and Jamie’s stubbornness.

I cannot imagine Bree preparing as much as her mother did for her trip through the stones.

T: I agree, but I also think love is her reason; love laced with curiosity. I’m not worried for Brianna because I know she also has her parents’ survival instincts.

A: I love the voice over of Bree’s letter to Roger. His emotion as he reads the letter makes your heart break.


If you’re reading this, it means that I couldn’t make it back.

In the book, Roger learns that Bree has left to go back to the past, because she sends him a box of her things to store while she is gone. However, since in our version, the two are now officially broken up, we realized that she would not ship her things to him to store, plus, we wanted Roger to be more active in investigating her disappearance, so he reads her letter, which explains all.

~ Toni Graphia, Outlander Community

I found out something terrible is going to happen to my mother and Jamie.

T: Wow! It really bothered me that she was so informal when she referred to her father. I hope that changes.

[V: That didn’t surprise me. She has never met him and doesn’t know him.]

If I didn’t try to go and help then I would never have forgiving myself.

In the script, we had Roger actually go to the stone circle and look around, trying to process the fact that Brianna’s gone but later, in editing, it was decided instead to see Roger read the letter back at the fountain, and juxtapose it to the image of Brianna at the stone circle, leaving through the stones.

~ Toni Graphia, Outlander Community

Not only did we end up making that change, we also thought it was such a powerful scene, that we moved it to be the final shot of the episode.

~ Toni Graphia, Outlander Community

I need you to know that I cared about you very much.

Ty: Ok, but I thought she gave Roger the bracelet back after she refused his proposal. No? Am I wrong?

[V: She did give the bracelet back to him at the festival. I am hoping they will fill-in the gaps in later episodes.]

Please don’t follow me Roger.

[V: If I were in her shoes, I would be scared to death of the unknown on the other side of that stone.]

You told me to think of my mother happily in the past.

And that’s how I want you to think of me.

Goodbye, Roger.


A: The shot of the camera going around the stone, showing Bree’s passage was a great choice.

And the music, Dance of the Druids, takes us all the way back to the beginning. I loved the way this episode ended.

T: Phenomenal scene! Brianna’s letter and her touching the stones had me demanding more. I noticed she’s wearing the bracelet so she’s not over Roger.

Episode Rating (1-5 Shots)

We give this episode – 4.5 shots. One of us is holding on to her 5’s! We really liked this episode. It felt concise and purposeful, as well as moved the plot forward with a bit of foreshadowing. Nothing felt forced, yet things moved so quickly.

One thing that is constant is the use of literary elements. Symbolism and foreshadowing are focal points in this show. We are also enjoying the writers’ adaptation of the novel. We may not always agree with their choices, but they have made some awesome creative changes. They also did an excellent job in maintaining the major themes from the book. We loved that they took extra steps to ensure that book readers were just as surprised as non-book readers. There were so many amazing “fan-service” moments.

The opening imagery with Claire and Adawehi on the river was incredible, though we wish that had been the way life was for every colonizer and Native American. It was heartbreaking when reading about Adawehi’s (Nayawenne) death in the book, and we felt equally as heartbroken in the show. The writers did an amazing job with Claire’s small ritual for her. It really added something to the show that some of us may have missed in the books.

The title of this episode, Savages, played out in Herr Mueller’s hatred and savagery toward the Cherokees. This episode was a bit of a turnaround from what we experienced in Epi2. This time, the need to avenge the death of Adawehi came from Tawodi and other members of his tribe rather than from white plantation owners or settlers.

We don’t know how long it will take to fill in the gaps with Roger and Bree, but some of us are a bit frustrated by their storyline. Overall, the show has failed to develop their love affair in a way that makes us understand their feelings for one another. We have read the books, so we know what happens. We just wish they had kept some scenes from the book and not edited their relationship so much. We see Bree leaving at the end of this episode and, based on the way their relationship currently is, we do not feel the sense of urgency or see any reason for Roger to follow her. Hopefully, future episodes will provide more explanation.

But let’s face it, the entire Murtagh storyline is what we think took this episode to another level. The build up to both the reunions between Jamie and Murtagh, as well as Claire and Murtagh, brought emotions that we have not seen since Jamie and Claire’s reunion in S3. We were so pleased that some of us could almost forget how horrible we felt for Roger and how frightened I feel for Bree, as she embarks on this new journey.

We absolutely love the world that Terry Dresbach, Bear McCreary and Jon Gary Steele created. Costumes and set design were top-notch in this episode! One of our favorites in this episode was the costuming. If Claire’s wrap jacket was available at a store right now, we would buy it in a heartbeat. The music was wonderfully placed and made a huge impact on how we took in the scenes. The set design is stronger than ever this season! The first real view of Fraser’s Ridge and the home they created really warmed our hearts. We couldn’t have imagined a better design.

How did you rate the episode and why? Let us know in the comments section.


What we are looking forward to in the upcoming episode.

Tyrese:  I love me some John Gray, and I am looking forward to seeing him again. I am sure there is going to be lots of conflict with Jamie’s son, especially considering the way Claire has been missing Bree lately. How will Claire respond to Willie?   Follow Tyrese on Twitter: @tylachelleco.

Alaina:   I’m so excited to see more Lord John; he brings so much to the show that I didn’t even know was missing. Claire’s reaction to Willie will be interesting and probably hilarious to me. I’m a bit concerned about Jamie and Willie’s predicament and where they’re taking this. Follow Alaina on Twitter: @_alainaxm.

Tami:   I’m looking forward to seeing how Claire receives Lord John. I know for sure she didn’t not invite him; and the last time, they didn’t end on the best of terms. Also, Willie has grown. Although I’m not a fan of any child that isn’t Jamie and Claire’s, I know Jamie needs this time to get better acquainted with his son. Also, I hope we get a glimpse of Brianna; I want to know what happened? Follow Tami on Twitter: @_Cosmo_girl.


Outlander S4 Epi6 – Blood of my Blood ~ Video via Starz

Written by Shaina Fewell | Directed by Denise Di Novi


Jamie and Claire are surprised when Lord John Grey drops in on Fraser’s Ridge with an unexpected travelling companion. When Grey contracts the measles, Claire must reconcile her personal feelings about the man with her duties as a doctor.



Disclaimer: We hold no rights to any of the pictures.  No copyright infringement intended. 

8 thoughts on “Blacklanderz® Convos! Outlander S4 Epi5

  1. Tami, Alaina and Tyerese – Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this amazing this episode. I too believe it was the best episode by far and it did a lot to underscore the realities of everyday settler life and how easy it was for the settlers to misunderstand the Native American while pushing the Natives off of their own land. The scenes between Awadehi/Claire and Muttagh/Jamie and Ian were my favorites!

    Good catch on the rabbit being representative of Bree and confirmation along with Awadehi’s statement that Bree is here (as in right here, right now). Which is a wonderful set up for Bree’s appearance next week.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for your feedback! I was thinking about what you said and I think that Awadehi saying Brianna is here would probably mean that she actually crossed over at the point. Either she’s in Scotland, or perhaps already in America.


  2. There was so much information in this convos! I enjoyed reading it. I loved the Revolutionary Thot!!! And Jamie’s look as he was politely rejecting the offer of pie. Her pie was probably a little spoilt from sharing it so often. His look said uh uh sweet heart l, I love my wife and she doesn’t play! Keep on writing ladies I’m loving it!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Always love sitting with my coffee and joining you in your convo…without actually joining you.
    The little thot and her pie…somehow I think a hair or two got in there *gag*. Pretty sure that whole thing was included for a future introduction of a not so thoty greeting 🙂
    As for Bree’s bracelet, she offered it back to Roger but he told her to keep it as it was a gift.
    Like all of you, there is so much to look forward to coming up and I also hope there are some holes filled when it comes to the R&B story. *fingers – n – toes crossed*



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