
We are Clan Blacklanderz® ~ Tous Sont Acceptées!

Yes, we are Black folks who love intellectual television shows, such as Outlander on Starz, and who will bring more kin (and others) to the gathering. We will be watching other historical fiction shows down the line (e.g., Poldark), but we wanted to start here with Outlander because it is not like any other show we’ve ever seen on television and unanimously thought it was OUTSTANDING on all levels . . . writing, casting, acting, costumes, directing, musical score/theme . . . the whole nine yards!!

When I began watching the show and asked family members, friends, and colleagues if they had heard about it, none of them had. Once I explained what it was about and ensured they would witness one of the best shows (series) ever made for television though on cable-slowly, but surely, more people began to watch.

Then, I wondered why more Blacks weren’t watching the show. In doing a cursory search, we realized most news outlets that cater to Blacks (e.g., Ebony, Essences, TVOne, BET, The Root, and a few Urban News Outlets, etc.) did not cover Outlander. They mostly covered those shows that highlighted Blacks, such as Black-ish, Power, Empire, Scandal, How to Get Away with Murder, etc. So, how would most Blacks find out about it, if these sources don’t cover it?

Now, don’t get me wrong. I like those shows too and are glad they are on, especially when there has never been a time in television history that has had as many shows catering to a wider diverse audience than it is today. However, we are not a monolithic group and like diversity in entertainment on a level that challenges our intellect and provokes discourse on a deeper level as well! And, if they can cover shows, such as Game of Thrones (another favorite), they could also cover Outlander!

Rather than wait on them . . . I decided to do it myself!!

Everyone seems to give recaps of shows, especially Outlander. However, I wanted our site to be different and did not wish to do that – not on an episode-by-episode/weekly manner. In starting this website, I decided to go through S1, scene-by-scene, showing the individual character’s range and brilliant performance – see Characters.

By S2, we had added more members to the group and decided to have conversations about each episode, rather than provide a recap – see Blacklanderz Convos! We will keep the latter format moving forward.


If you have not read the books or seen S1 thru S6, do not look at the characters’ pages or the Convos!

At times, we might interject our opinions; however, some of us had not read the books before S1. So, we would appreciate no spoilers in the comments.

Tùlach Àrd! ~ Vida


8 thoughts on “About

  1. This is fabulous, and long overdue!!! Can’t wait for the blog and quite ecstatic to be a part of the Blacklanderz clan!!!



  2. Hey Blacklanderz
    Awesome Homepage! One of the coolest I have seen so far. Do you know where I can get that Culloden map from “The Hail Mary” in a higher Resolution? If you have it it would be great if you could send it to me: webmaster@fcsg.net.
    I`m in the making of a Culloden Exhibition in Switzerland and that map is exactly what I Need. Thanks so much!

    Regards from Switzerland


    1. Hi there, Marcel. Thanks so much; we really have fun with this site. Your exhibition sounds really nice; will try to find the map for you Once you have completed it, send us the information so we can promote it.


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