What’s It Like to Meet Queen Elizabeth?

While we believe there are many Queens in S2 of A Discovery of Witches, from Goody Alsop to Diana herself, there’s only one woman who holds the actual crown: Queen Elizabeth. Played by Barbara Marten, the presence of this powerful woman set against the fantastical world of S2, brings a human touch not often seen in depictions of royalty. Below, we’ll explore how the show … Continue reading What’s It Like to Meet Queen Elizabeth?

AMC Talk | What’s a Weaver in the Witch World?

As witches are increasingly featured in S2 of A Discovery of Witches, we bet you’re asking yourself: What in the Witch is a Weaver? At AMC, we had the same question, so we’ve studied up on weavers in order to give you some key facts. Weaver 101 Weavers have access to skills that not all witches have, including the ability to create new spells. ‘Normal’ … Continue reading AMC Talk | What’s a Weaver in the Witch World?

Filming Locations for A Discovery of Witches

I ‘luvbs’ reading about these locations!!! ~ V A Discovery of Witches: A location guide After a highly acclaimed first Season on Sky One, A Discovery of Witches has returned to our screens for Season Two. Filming also took place for Season Three in late 2020, so if you’re fan, there’s plenty more to come! If you’re not familiar with the series, it’s based upon … Continue reading Filming Locations for A Discovery of Witches